Valor Institute Christian school offers advanced curriculum, enrichment that engages minds & implores community involvement. We provide engaging education for Preschool through 8th Grade for the 2023-2024 school year.
3-6 Years Old
1/2 day schooling for your preschooler, pre-k, & Kindergartener with the option of after school care as well
1st - 8th Grade
6-13 Years Old
We offer enrichment-filled studies for 1st-8th Graders.
Homeschoolers & Students Enrolled
We believe in the development of the “other side” of the brain.
COMING FALL 2023-2024
Preschool Program! For more information about our coming Preschool Program, please reach out to us!

Kindergarten Program
We are so pleased to offer our community a ½ day Kindergarten for our early youngest up and coming leaders!
-5 days/wk. (Monday-Friday)
-Well known, advanced curriculum
-Letters & Sounds
-Atmosphere of Honor
-Disciplined in Love
-After School Care at a Separate Cost
Let us partner with you in creating an atmosphere for them to learn academic values, and to grow in an environment where we cherish who they are and whose they are.
Elementary (1st - 8th Grade)
We are thrilled to offer elementary grades 1-8. Your kids will have the opportunity to engage in a well-known curriculum that is biblically centered, and advance all week long with enrichment studies, Bible, and community outreaches.
-5 days/wk (Monday-Friday)
-Well known, advanced curriculum
-Language Arts
-History/Geography/Social Studies
-Atmosphere of Honor & Love
-All of our Enrichment Classes and Community Outreach Opportunities

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Enrichment Program
We offer various ‘enrichment classes’ each year for k-8th grade with multi child discounts. These classes are included with the Full Time student tuition, and offered to homeschool students a la carte. The incorporation of both arts and academics are extremely important in the development of each student, and we believe they all deserve to experience both.
What we offer:
Year Goal: Teaching students to work collaboratively on 2 primary group projects which incorporate our Year Focuses.
Year Focuses:
*Pencil Drawing
*Acrylic Paint
*Pen & Ink
*Colored Pencil
*Oil Painting
Year Goal: Incorporating all the elements of music, (rhythm, melody, harmony, form, timbre, texture, and dynamics), Music Theory (Note Recognition-Reading Sheet Music), Composers & Eras of Music.
Year Focuses:
*Early Music – until 1400
*Renaissance – 1400-1600
*Baroque – 1600-1750
*Classical Music – 1750-1830
*Romantic – 1830-1900
*20th Century – 1900-2000
*American Music
*Modern – 2000-present
If you’d like to learn more about our Enrichment Program, please reach out to us here: